Nexus, limited number of program streams per card

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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Nexus, limited number of program streams per card

Postby frechdachs » 27 Apr 2004 11:25

Hello @ll,

i'm new to vls. Vls is a fine thing.
I brought vls up on a pc with four Hauppauge Nexus cards for an indoor family house streaming. Everything works fine. Just one thing i don't understand...
I'm only able to stream three programs without faults (broken streams) from one card. Now i don't know where is the limiter? The dvb card, the pci bus, network or vls. The network i already checked. It's ok.
I heard that it could be the dvb card, but vls support only the two Hauppauge cards Nexus and Nova.
Should i give Nova a try?
I'm thankful for any informations and help.

A clueless,
frechdachs :roll:

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 31 Mar 2004 20:26

Postby Kernal » 05 May 2004 20:19


I don't have any answer to your problem but i am also working with the Nexuscard and VLS.

I have a problem that i can't solv , do you want to help me ?

I can stream channels with low symbolerate but i can't stream channels with a high symbolrate.
I think it could be the firmware that is the problem , but where do i get a new one.
If you want to help , please write me an email.
My email is

Best regards

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