VLS with a lot of DVB video channels, some problems.

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VLS with a lot of DVB video channels, some problems.

Postby udofun » 29 Apr 2004 00:52

I test VLS on my home LAN with 4 100 Mbit/s switches.
The server is AMD Duron850Mhz under Linux Slakware (kernel 2.6.2)
with 3 SkyStar2 DVB-S and 1 SkyStar2 DVB-T.
Now I am using 2 SkyStar2< one for Internet and 19 Radio stations and another one for 5 TV channels from HotBirtd 1-6.
(radio eats 4,7Mbits, video - 19 Mbit/s)

What do I have.
My PC is the nearest PC to the server. I have very bad quality of the video? picture often drops and crashs, radio crashs too.
But some of my firends witch are more far away from the server have a good quality video, but some problems still have place.
What is the reason? I can turn on only one video channel - problems are the same.

And onther one. I tried SkyStar3 PCI card for Radio and Internet. Radio quality is ecelent. Why?

How much channels may I stream with VLS from DVB transponder?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 3
Joined: 23 Apr 2004 09:05

Postby frechdachs » 29 Apr 2004 11:24


as you can see here viewtopic.php?t=2313 i've the same problem.
Try to stream less tv channels. Begin with one channel and then add some more till picture dropping.
My limit is three up to four tv channels.

Report me, i'm interested in your results.


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