VLS on Windows

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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VLS on Windows

Postby Sancho » 02 Feb 2004 22:13

I just downloaded and installed VLS on a win box. BUT: the telnet login does not work (2004-02-02 22:10:01 [WARN/Vls] Authentication failed for user "bozo"). The .cfg is not modified so far!.
Any idea?? Thx


telnet login

Postby tester » 04 Feb 2004 05:16

edit the file vls.cfg and remove/replace the encrypted password with a plain text:

monitor = "monitor:monitor" # password is 'monitor'
bozo = "bozo:master" # password is 'bozo'

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 19
Joined: 18 Apr 2004 08:03

user password was changed to plain text

Postby pjo » 19 Apr 2004 07:02

password was changed to plain text:bozo but Windows telenet localhost 9999 does not work.
BEGIN "Users"
# --- Format:
# username = "encryptedpassword:group"
# --- Example:
monitor = "monitor:monitor" # password is 'monitor'
bozo = "bozo:master" # password is 'bozo'

How do I make this user ID OK ?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby Gibalou » 19 Apr 2004 15:33

VLS is simply useless on Windows because it doesn't support the features that make it useful on linux (DVB support, Capture device support, DVD input, etc...)

Please, have a look at VLC instead which does also support streaming and is much more powerful as well.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 19
Joined: 18 Apr 2004 08:03

Postby pjo » 19 Apr 2004 23:18

VLS is simply useless on Windows because it doesn't support the features that make it useful on linux (DVB support, Capture device support, DVD input, etc...)

Please, have a look at VLC instead which does also support streaming and is much more powerful as well.
Gibalou, Thanks for your comment.
I am running VLC also, but for some VOBs, subtitles are not displayed.
That's why I want to run VLS.

Please tell me how to specify the file path in vls.cfg !

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