vlS http stream

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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vlS http stream

Postby Klemens » 21 Mar 2004 00:02


I need to make a web-tv (I must add it to web page with users default media player, like Windows Media Player or Mplayer etc.), so I need mpeg stream over http. I have found posts how to make it with vlc not with vls, is it possible?

And if I make changes in my conf file, like adding new video clip, do I need to restart server?

Or is it possible to stream a directory (if I add a file there it will pick it up automaticly) like NSV can?

I would appriciate conf samples, if anyone can share it ;).

(In case it is important, I am using vls on linux)

Thanks a lot in advance!

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 608
Joined: 26 Nov 2003 10:59

Postby Gibalou » 22 Mar 2004 09:20

VLS can't stream over http. You need to use VLC for that.
VLC can also stream the content of a directory (the directory will be expanded into the playlist).


Postby Klemens » 25 Mar 2004 10:12


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