vdr and vls at the same time

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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vdr and vls at the same time

Postby noah » 03 Feb 2004 01:24

i'm running a linux machine with an working DVB card and an working installation of the Video Disk Recorder. Everything is fine so far, but now i want vls to broadcast what ever the dvb device is reciving at the moment. The problem is, i can't use the normal DVB interface of vls, because it's already owned by the vdr. at least the frontend can only be onwed by one program. is it possible to configure the vls, to take it's input from e.g. /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 without touching the tuner/frontend ?

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