how make and serve seekable rtsp streams?

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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how make and serve seekable rtsp streams?

Postby ragoutoutou » 20 Jul 2005 15:22


My question is really simple.

How to make a seekable stream using VLC and how to serve it ?

So far, i've been able to play videos from the start, but not to seek trough these streams (tried with vlc as a client, quicktime and mplayer, all play fine but none can seek).

For example, when I start mplayer with

"mplayer -ao sdl -fps 25 -cache 8192 rtsp://myserver/test"

I get the message Stream not seekable! and indeed, I cannot seek trough the stream.

Are there guidelines to follow while preparing the served files or while configuring the vod objects to enable clients to seek through the streams?

Thanks beforehand!


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