problem in streaming a video between two laptops

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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problem in streaming a video between two laptops

Postby shadha » 11 Aug 2007 22:53

Dear all,

I hope everyone is well :)

Am new in using VLC and am using it as a tool in my MSc project
I was following the istraction in this link in order to stream a video between two laptops : ... mmentform
But I couldn't fined the checkbox "Stream Output", what I get in my VLC program is " Stream\save" therefore I couldn't complete those steps!!

am setting a small wireless network and I would like to set one of the laptops as server and the other as client and trying to stream a video between them

could anybody helpplzzz :cry:


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