Unable to use PROGRAM command over telnet

Discussion on the (deprecated) VideoLAN Server application as well as the miniSAPserver stream announcer. This is not about VLC!
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Anonymous Coward

Unable to use PROGRAM command over telnet

Postby Anonymous Coward » 12 Dec 2003 17:04

I am using a Windows installation of VLS, version 0.6.2 downloaded from the VideoLAN site.

VLS starts up fine, and my vls.cfg and input.cfg files are basically as the defaults.

I have a "local1" input set up, but when I try to add a program to it, I always get the error shown below. The file exists and is the correct format. It loads perfectly if I add the lines below to my input.cfg file:

Any advice would be very appreciated as dynamic program management would be very useful.

- Roger


BEGIN "2" # another file
Name = "swordfish"
FileName = "C:/TEMP/DVD-Trailers/Swordfish.vob"
Type = "Mpeg2-PS"


Videolan Server Administration System

Login: bozo

bozo@vls> show input
Provider: Manager
Status: 0
Info: Showing available inputs.

Provider: local1
Status: 0
Info: Input 'local1'

bozo@vls> program mytest local1 c:/temp/dvd-trailers/swordfish.vob Mpeg2-PS --add

Provider: Manager
Error: -1

Provider: local1
Error: -1
Info: Unable to add program mytest
Info: Error: No files defined in vls.cfg


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 4
Joined: 08 Dec 2003 16:18

Postby nitrox » 12 Dec 2003 18:16


Try with only one vls.cfg file: append the input.cfg file to the end of your vls.cfg file.
This should work.



Anonymous Coward

Postby Anonymous Coward » 17 Dec 2003 16:18

Hi Nitrox,

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately it still does not work even with just one cfg file.

Can anyone post a working cfg file and a log of their TELNET activity when they use the "program" command ? I can then try to duplicate their procedure exactly and then slowly converge their working solution to mine to resolve the issue.



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