VLC in a web browser (i.e. firefox)?

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VLC in a web browser (i.e. firefox)?

Postby erasmel » 04 Nov 2004 09:28

VLC is installed on my linux box, I can access successfully some video files via http. But what about from a webpage? is there any VLC plugin with firefox?

With realmedia files and realserver installed, I just write <a href="rtsp;//server/path/file.ram"> on my html page and the videos are accessible from any client machine with realplayer. Same thing with .mov and .wmv files that need respectively quicktime and windows media player plugins.

Firefox does not seem to support any embedded video. E-learning systems like ePresence at Toronto (http://www.epresence.tv/website_archived.aspx) work only on win and mac platforms (!).

+ test:
http://mmm.idiap.ch/Scripted-Meeting-TR ... 06.920.avi

When I try to play my AVI files with VLC (ex. the URL above), I have some purple and green horizontal bands appearing with the video... my AVI format does not seem to be right: I use a divx 5.1.1 codec. Any suggestion very welcome.



Postby erasmel » 04 Nov 2004 09:46

I definetly post too quickly without rtfm... about mozilla plugin:


Does anyone have some examples of web pages embedding VLC plugin?


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Postby suse » 15 Feb 2005 03:05

Can i ask how did u configure it to work?? I'm trying to do the same thing??

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Postby dionoea » 15 Feb 2005 10:47

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Postby goa103 » 12 Jun 2007 22:16

First link prompts for login and password, second link is broken. Any working test page around ? I would like to test my VLC media player 0.8.6b installation.

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Postby MetalheadGautham » 13 Jun 2007 11:05

and I want to get rid of quicktime and real alternatives. Is there a way to put a fully functional feature rich VLC plugin for Mozilla Firefox, replacing the Windows Media Player plugin, Real Player Plugin and The Quicktime Plugins?

The Following features are needed:

1. Make the website asking for a real/quicktime/wmp plugin to be present think that VLC plugin is that plugin

2. Play

3. Pause

4. stop

6. save to disc

7. a cache whose contents are accessable from the system's directory viewer(windows explorer and the like)

8. postprocessing

9. equiliser

10. fullscreen

11. watch in vlc's own window
Visit: VLC and Other alternatives to Popular Media Players
Website: thesmallerbang.wordpress.com
On Linux, blindly use VLC, SMPlayer, Kaffeine, GXine, Totem and MPlayer
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Postby goa103 » 13 Jun 2007 15:53

and I want to get rid of quicktime and real alternatives. Is there a way to put a fully functional feature rich VLC plugin for Mozilla Firefox, replacing the Windows Media Player plugin, Real Player Plugin and The Quicktime Plugins?

The Following features are needed:

1. Make the website asking for a real/quicktime/wmp plugin to be present think that VLC plugin is that plugin


11. watch in vlc's own window
Well from the Documentation:Play HowTo/Advanced Use of VLC Wiki article it seems most the features you request are supported by the API. However as I can't make the plugin to work I'm not sure the features are supported by the player itself. For the moment I see it as a blank layer where the video is displayed and HTML elements handled by JavaScript function calls. So it seems a bit different than QuickTime and other players where the player includes both the interface and the video layer.

Big Cone-huna
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Postby MetalheadGautham » 18 Jun 2007 09:02

why cant things be simpler?
Visit: VLC and Other alternatives to Popular Media Players
Website: thesmallerbang.wordpress.com
On Linux, blindly use VLC, SMPlayer, Kaffeine, GXine, Totem and MPlayer
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