Start and Stop a Record

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Start and Stop a Record

Postby MatzeMuc86 » 24 Sep 2009 13:29


I am hope I am right here :-)

At first my complete Idea: I want to control a Webcam with Matlab :-)

I can start VLC with the Webcam with the following CMD Command:

Code: Select all

"C:\Programme\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" dshow:// :dshow-vdev="Microsoft LifeCam VX-1000" :dshow-adev=none :dshow-size=640x480 :dshow-caching=10 :dshow-fps=30 :no-dshow-config :no-dshow-tuner
But there are a few problems:

How can I start the Record?
How can I stop it?
How can I tell VLC where to store (ach File should have a another way)?

I testet the convert and the stream function - both works, but I have to stop manually an have to tell the filename each time in a gui.

By the way: I have no Idea of Lua - but it looks OK; perphaps the Problem could be solved without Loa - I have no favorite!


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Re: Start and Stop a Record

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 24 Sep 2009 13:41

maybe the telnet or http interface could help you?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Start and Stop a Record

Postby MatzeMuc86 » 24 Sep 2009 14:21

I had a look to the HTTP an Command Line Interface.
First is has less option
the second one to less commands

do you know if telnet has MANY comkmands or the same like the command line for VLC?


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