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Rotate by 90° extension | bug setting config to null?

Posted: 13 Feb 2024 16:40
by mougino
Hi everyone!

First time poster: I have developed 2 extensions to rotate the video by 90° clockwise or counter-clockwise in 2 clicks (View > Rotate..) instead of 5 (Ctrl+E > Video Effects > Geometry > Transform > Rotate by..)

While testing I discovered that the script needs to stop and play a running video in order for the transformation to take effect. Also pauses are needed else setting changes are ignored.

There is still 1 bug and some hiccups:

The bug: starting from a standard video, rotating to 90° > 180°> 270° works but from 270° back to an un-rotated video doesn't work. (Of course exact same counter-clockwise: 270° > 180° > 90° works, but 90° > 0° doesn't). Switching to "horizontal flip" as a workaround, instead of un-rotated video, works but it is not an acceptable workaround.

Hence my thread title: I suspect a bug when setting a config field to null. In my scripts:

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vlc.config.set("video-filter", "") -- doesn't seem to work?

The hiccups: sometime the player is in a state where the transformations do not appear to work anymore. Closing and re-launching VLC shows the correct rotating state immediately (?) then rotating works again. Some other times VLC seems to be in an unrotatable state where you have to manually use Ctrl+E > Video Effects > Geometry > Transform > Rotate by.. to unlock...

Here are my scripts:


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-- Rotate+90° 0.0.1 - VLC Extension -- -- Rotate a video clockwise by 90° -- function sleep (a) local sec = tonumber(os.clock() + a) while (os.clock() < sec) do end end function descriptor() return { title = "Rotate +90°", version = "0.0.1", author = "mougino", url = "", shortdesc = "Rotate video by 90° clockwise", description = "Rotate+90°.lua = rotate a video by 90° clockwise, ".. "Rotate-90°.lua = rotate a video by 90° counter-clockwise.", capabilities = {"input-listener"} } end function activate() local rotated = vlc.config.get("video-filter") -- "transform", nil local angle = vlc.config.get("transform-type") -- 90, 180, 270, hflip... --"[Rotate+90°.lua] BEFORE video-filter = " .. tostring(rotated) ) --"[Rotate+90°.lua] BEFORE transform-type = " .. tostring(angle) ) -- Save current time and stop the video local video = vlc.object.input() local stamp = nil if video ~= nil then stamp = vlc.var.get(video, "time") vlc.playlist.stop() sleep(0.5) end -- Do the rotation if rotated ~= "transform" or angle == "hflip" then vlc.config.set("transform-type", "90") vlc.config.set("video-filter", "transform") elseif tostring(angle) == "270" then vlc.config.set("transform-type", "hflip") -- works but unacceptable workaround vlc.config.set("video-filter", "") -- doesn't seem to work? else vlc.config.set("transform-type", tostring((90+angle) % 360)) vlc.config.set("video-filter", "transform") end --"[Rotate+90°.lua] AFTER video-filter = " .. tostring(vlc.config.get("video-filter")) ) --"[Rotate+90°.lua] AFTER transform-type = " .. tostring(vlc.config.get("transform-type")) ) -- Set previous time back and resume the video if video ~= nil then sleep(0.5) sleep(0.2) vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "time", stamp) end vlc.deactivate() end function deactivate() end


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-- Rotate-90° 0.0.1 - VLC Extension -- -- Rotate a video counter-clockwise by 90° -- function sleep (a) local sec = tonumber(os.clock() + a) while (os.clock() < sec) do end end function descriptor() return { title = "Rotate -90°", version = "0.0.1", author = "mougino", url = "", shortdesc = "Rotate video by 90° counter-clockwise", description = "Rotate-90°.lua = rotate a video by 90° counter-clockwise, ".. "Rotate+90°.lua = rotate a video by 90° clockwise.", capabilities = {"input-listener"} } end function activate() local rotated = vlc.config.get("video-filter") -- "transform", nil local angle = vlc.config.get("transform-type") -- 90, 180, 270, hflip... --"[Rotate-90°.lua] BEFORE video-filter = " .. tostring(rotated) ) --"[Rotate-90°.lua] BEFORE transform-type = " .. tostring(angle) ) -- Save current time and stop the video local video = vlc.object.input() local stamp = nil if video ~= nil then stamp = vlc.var.get(video, "time") vlc.playlist.stop() sleep(0.5) end -- Do the rotation if rotated ~= "transform" or angle == "hflip" then vlc.config.set("transform-type", "270") vlc.config.set("video-filter", "transform") elseif tostring(angle) == "90" then vlc.config.set("transform-type", "hflip") -- works but unacceptable workaround vlc.config.set("video-filter", "") -- doesn't seem to work? else vlc.config.set("transform-type", tostring((270+angle) % 360)) vlc.config.set("video-filter", "transform") end --"[Rotate-90°.lua] AFTER video-filter = " .. tostring(vlc.config.get("video-filter")) ) --"[Rotate-90°.lua] AFTER transform-type = " .. tostring(vlc.config.get("transform-type")) ) -- Set previous time back and resume the video if video ~= nil then sleep(0.5) sleep(0.2) vlc.var.set(vlc.object.input(), "time", stamp) end vlc.deactivate() end function deactivate() end

Any idea for fixing this?


Re: Rotate by 90° extension | bug setting config to null?

Posted: 10 Oct 2024 20:40
by mbscpa42
At the bottom of the effects page, there's a save button. I clicked on it and it when I reopened the file it worked.