Extending HTTP Interface

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Extending HTTP Interface

Postby BenFranske » 24 Jul 2022 00:31

I need to extend the HTTP interface to do a few things I don't believe are supported currently:
  • Force fullscreen playback=1 (not toggle)
  • Enable/Disable "Show media title on video start"
  • Create and send osd messages/marquee's to the screen
I am running VLC on Linux and, as a first step, have tried putting a copy of http.lua in .local/share/vlc/lua/intf/bfhttp.lua however I am not able to load it using "vlc --intf bfhttp" or the (older?) "vlc --lua-intf".

  1. Is there some additional registration of interface plugins that needs to be done, it doesn't seem automatically search the .local/share/vlc/lua/intf/ directory and make them available? I was unable to find any documentation on how interfaces are made available or called.
  2. I can see starting places for forcing fullscreen playback and sending OSD messages as both are mentioned in https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/ ... README.txt but any idea on a starting point for Enable/Disable "Show media title on video start"? Am I going to have to hack away at the main VLC source to add a Lua function for that?
  3. Since I am going to need to write a new httprequests.lua file can I put that in .local/share/vlc/lua/intf/modules and it will be found or do I need to put it somewhere else?
  4. Does that also apply to a new lua/http/* directory (can it go in .local/share/vlc/lua/http*) if I need to rewrite some of that?

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