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Modifying Existing LOAD Subs (not DL)

Posted: 18 Feb 2022 23:07
by Rootkitt
I have a ton of movies and its super annoying to manually have to add them. I am educated as far as lua as fixing things to a certain degree but was wondering if there was a simple way to search for
Movie directory + "\subs" folder + Filename OR OR
in that movies folder directory and to load those into the options.

Line 184...

Code: Select all

-- look for file with the same name if content:find(name, 0, true) then
to something like?

Code: Select all

if content:find(name, 0, true) or content:find("02_English", 0, true) then

Original... Altho I removed audio part already

Code: Select all

sub_ext = ".srt" exclude_with = ".unwanted" -- skip qBittorrent dummy files is_linux = true function descriptor() return { title = "Ext audio and subtitles loader", author = "serfreeman1337", shortdesc = "Autoload external audio track and subtitles", description = "This script searches in folder for audio and subtitles for video and loads them", url = "", version = "1.1", capabilities = {"input-listener"} } end function activate() if os.getenv("OS") then is_linux = false end end function deactivate() end function meta_changed() end function input_changed() if not vlc.input.is_playing() then return end -- lol what is this if vlc.input.item():metas()["sf_autoloaded_from"] == "yes" then return end if vlc.input.item():metas()["sf_autoloaded"] == "yes" then local itemid = vlc.input.item():metas()["sf_autoloaded_itemid"] if not(itemid:len() == 0) then itemid = tonumber(itemid) -- playlist order fix -- vlc.playlist.move(vlc.playlist.current(), itemid) vlc.playlist.delete(itemid) vlc.playlist.sort("title") -- vlc.playlist.sort("id") vlc.input.item():set_meta("sf_autoloaded_itemid", "") end return end local uri = vlc.strings.decode_uri(vlc.input.item():uri()) if not uri:match("file:///") then return end local file = vlc.input.item():metas()["filename"] local name = file:sub(0, (file:len() - getFileExtension(file):len())) local dir = "" if is_linux then dir = uri:sub(8, (uri:len() - file:len() - 1)) else dir = uri:sub(9, (uri:len() - file:len() - 1)) end local path = dir .. file; local opts = {} local found_audio = false local found_sub = false local r = search(dir, name) if r ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(r) do -- fix windows path if not is_linux then v = v:gsub("/", "\\") end if k == "extaudio" then found_audio = true table.insert(opts, "input-slave=" .. vlc.strings.make_uri(v)) elseif k == "subtitles" then found_sub = true table.insert(opts, "sub-file=" .. v) end end end if not found_audio and not found_sub then return end -- count tracks so we can select our autoloaded ones local total_audio = 0 local total_sub = 0 for k, v in pairs(vlc.input.item():info()) do -- TODO: figure out how to get input streams info if (v["Type"] == "Audio" or v["Тип"] == "Аудио") then total_audio = total_audio + 1 elseif (v["Type"] == "Subtitle" or v["Тип"] == "Субтитры") then total_sub = total_sub + 1 end end if found_sub then -- select subtitles table.insert(opts, "sub-track=" .. total_sub) end if found_audio then -- what if total_audio == 0 then total_audio = 1 end -- select external audio track table.insert(opts, "audio-track=" .. total_audio) end local item = {{ path = vlc.input.item():uri(), options = opts, meta = { ["sf_autoloaded"] = "yes", ["sf_autoloaded_itemid"] = tostring(vlc.playlist.current()) } }} -- lol what is this vlc.input.item():set_meta("sf_autoloaded_from", "yes") vlc.playlist.add(item) end function getFileExtension(url) return url:match("^.+(%..+)$") end function is_dir(path) if is_linux then local f =, "r") local ok, err, code = f:read(1) f:close() return code == 21 else -- dir is nil on windows local f =, "r") if f == nil then return true else f:close() return false end end end function is_matched(name, with) for what in with:gmatch("%S+") do if name:find(what, 0, true) ~= nil then return true end end return false end function search(dir, name) local dr = if dr == nil then return nil end local r = {} local found = false local path = "" for k, content in pairs(dr) do -- skip top level and excluded dirs if content ~= "." and content ~= ".." and not is_matched(content, exclude_with) then path = dir .. [[/]] .. content if not is_dir(path) then -- look for file with the same name if content:find(name, 0, true) then -- search for external audio tracks if is_matched(content, sub_ext) then r["subtitles"] = path found = true end end else -- recursive directory scan local rr = search(path, name) if rr ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(rr) do r[k] = v end found = true end end end end if found then return r else return nil end end