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Lua playlist plugin for .m3u

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:13
by smw
Hello all,

I would like to write a playlist plugin for .m3u files. However, the builtin one is always being used (modules/demux/playlist/m3u.c). Why is this and how can I make VLC use my .m3u reader?

I noticed that /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader/filename.lua does work. It gets called for .avi files but not .mkv nor .mp3 files. Why is that?

The README.txt for the plugins are not correct. So I would like to ask if /usr/lib/vlc/lua/playlist/ is the correct kind of plugin to write a .m3u playlist parser. It just doesn't seem to work. Or maybe it is because of the modules/demux/playlist/m3u.c module?

If there is any docs to read, please let me know.



Re: Lua playlist plugin for .m3u

Posted: 05 Oct 2019 18:13
by mederi
I would like to write a playlist plugin for .m3u files.
VLC always use internal parser for m3u. You can create a custom parser for a custom filename extension (.custom_m3u).
I noticed that /usr/lib/vlc/lua/meta/reader/filename.lua does work. It gets called for .avi files but not .mkv nor .mp3 files. Why is that?
I do not know the logic behind this behaviour.

Re: Lua playlist plugin for .m3u

Posted: 27 Dec 2019 18:23
by jahan
Hi there,

What's the best way to customize VLC playing behavior like skipping some files and folders based on a configuration file?
