cannot copy file with special char in windows
Posted: 06 Jul 2018 13:56
I am currently working on a lua extension to sort my music.
The tool moves files from a 'unsorted' folder to a defined 'sorted' folder (or to trash).
The tool is working perfectly on Linux, but I getting in trouble with Windows.
my script uses :
os.execute ('cmd mkdir <my_unsorted_folder/album/')
to create the sorted folder
os.execute ('cmd copy /B /Y /V "<my_unsorted_folder/album/track_file>" "<my_sorted_folder/album/my_music_file">')
to place the music file in the created folder
Unfortunately, windows cmd does not consider the special char (like é ç à...) and the command fails. From what I understood, the coding of lua is a kind of UTF8.
however, CMD uses ANSI... so, I am lost.
I have tried to insert chcp commands :
os.execute ('chcp 858 && cmd copy /B /Y /V "<my_unsorted_folder/album/track_file>" "<my_sorted_folder/album/my_music_file">')
but without success...
Cano anyone knows ?
(note, I cannot use powershell)
Kind regards
I am currently working on a lua extension to sort my music.
The tool moves files from a 'unsorted' folder to a defined 'sorted' folder (or to trash).
The tool is working perfectly on Linux, but I getting in trouble with Windows.
my script uses :
os.execute ('cmd mkdir <my_unsorted_folder/album/')
to create the sorted folder
os.execute ('cmd copy /B /Y /V "<my_unsorted_folder/album/track_file>" "<my_sorted_folder/album/my_music_file">')
to place the music file in the created folder
Unfortunately, windows cmd does not consider the special char (like é ç à...) and the command fails. From what I understood, the coding of lua is a kind of UTF8.
however, CMD uses ANSI... so, I am lost.
I have tried to insert chcp commands :
os.execute ('chcp 858 && cmd copy /B /Y /V "<my_unsorted_folder/album/track_file>" "<my_sorted_folder/album/my_music_file">')
but without success...
Cano anyone knows ?
(note, I cannot use powershell)
Kind regards