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Show on title main form VLC current time positon, length track, pause or playing file

Posted: 09 Feb 2018 12:10
by korp2
Show on the title main form VLC current time positon, length track, pause or playing file.

I don't find it in menu Preference VLC.

I assume some way's to solve the task:
Write a script in lua. I find how get time
and status

How i can send it to title main form VLC? If it's impossible, then to my created form with function Create_dialog()
And how a script always autorun?
Is necessary create thread or use "repeat" with "wait"?

What algorithm better to do this task?

P.S. Sorry, for my bad English

Re: Show on title main form VLC current time positon, length track, pause or playing file

Posted: 12 Feb 2018 15:03
by mederi
You can set meta title for current media:
input.item(): Get the current input item. Input item methods are:
:set_meta(key, value): Set meta data.
You need to write an Interface script as it allows a periodic activity to update the running time and it supports autorun in VLC preferences.
Check the Filename Forcer in my WIP collection package:
And Time: