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VLC lua script to jump 1 second at the beginning of every video

Posted: 25 Sep 2017 10:07
by urs
Hi all,

I have a script the should jump 1 second at the beginning of every video.
The video should be played only from the second second on.
I have made a lua script, but it does not work yet:

skipper.lua placed in /home/USER/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions

Code: Select all

require 'common' local input = vlc.object.input() if input then if skip() then -- seeks to 2s --"50%") -- seeks to middle of video end end
The lua script / extension shows under
Tools > Plugins and extensions > Addon Manager --> skipper.lua (installed)

But the lua script / extension does not show under
Tools > Plugins and extensions > Active Extensions

Can anybody please help? Thanks.

Re: VLC lua script to jump 1 second at the beginning of every video

Posted: 26 Sep 2017 10:42
by mederi
Your script is not Extension. Check the structure here (function descriptor(), activate(), deactivate()): ... 44#p343091

Re: VLC lua script to jump 1 second at the beginning of every video

Posted: 26 Sep 2017 12:41
by urs
Hi mederi, OK, thanks for the feedback. I realized that, but is there a way to activated the script / code without going through the View > etc. Menu in VLC?

Anyway. I actually wanted to use the script to get rid of the microphone pop noise when I started the voice recording.
The real solution for my problem with the microphone recording was this (on Ubuntu 16.04, taken from ... pulseaudio):

cd /etc/pulse
sudo pluma /etc/pulse/

Add the following line anywhere on the file, but I recommend almost at the end where you will find a comment about Echo Cancellation stuff (~line 140):

#load-module module-echo-cancel
#load-module module-echo-cancel source_name=echocancel
#load-module module-echo-cancel source_name=echocancel source_properties=device.description=echocancel
#load-module module-echo-cancel aec_method=webrtc aec_args="analog_gain_control=0 digital_gain_control=1" source_name=echocancel source_properties=device.description=echocancel

load-module module-echo-cancel aec_method=webrtc aec_args="analog_gain_control=0 digital_gain_control=1" source_name=echocancel_source source_properties=device.description=echocancel_source sink_name=echocancel_sink sink_properties=device.description=echocancel_sink

set-default-source echocancel_source
set-default-sink echocancel_sink

##mate-volume-control or start menu 'sound', tab 'Input', set slider to ca. 40%, input level 4 (I I I I).

Have a nice day.