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[Interface/Extension] Filename Forcer

Posted: 07 Jan 2017 22:07
by mederi
The idea: forum topic Option to display FILE NAMES instead of META TAGS

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-- "looper_filename.lua" >> copy the script file into \lua\intf\ folder -- activate it in VLC preferences or use CLI options: -- vlc.exe --extraintf=luaintf{intf="looper_filename"} function Looper() local curi=nil local loops=0 -- counter of loops while true do if vlc.volume.get() == -256 then break end -- inspired by syncplay.lua; kills vlc.exe process in Task Manager if vlc.playlist.status()=="stopped" then -- no input or stopped input if curi then -- input stopped Log("stopped") curi=nil end loops=loops+1 Log(loops) Sleep(1) else -- playing, paused local uri=nil if vlc.input.item() then uri=vlc.input.item():uri() end if not uri then --- WTF (VLC 2.1+): status playing with nil input? Stopping? O.K. in VLC 2.0.x Log("WTF? " .. vlc.playlist.status()) Sleep(0.1) elseif not curi or curi~=uri then -- new input (first input or changed input) curi=uri Log(curi) else -- current input if vlc.playlist.status()=="playing" then FF(curi) --Log("playing") elseif vlc.playlist.status()=="paused" then --Log("paused") Sleep(0.3) else -- ? Log("unknown") Sleep(1) end Sleep(0.1) end end end end function Log(lm)"[looper_intf] " .. lm) end function Sleep(st) -- seconds vlc.misc.mwait(vlc.misc.mdate() + st*1000000) end --- FILENAME_FORCER --- function FF(curi) if string.sub(curi,1,8)=="file:///" then vlc.input.item():set_meta("title", vlc.strings.decode_uri(string.gsub(tostring(curi), "^.*/(.-)$","%1"))) Sleep(1) --Log("FF") end end --- XXX --- FILENAME_FORCER --- Looper()
More installation instructions: Time (looper_intf.lua)

Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 31 Jan 2017 23:01
by mederi

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-- "Filename_Forcer.lua" -- VLC Extension. -- Copy this script file into \lua\extensions\ folder. -- Then activate the extension in VLC menu "View > Filename Forcer" -- or "VLC > Extensions > Filename Forcer" on Mac OS X. function descriptor() return { title = "Filename Forcer", capabilities = {}, } end function activate() Create_dialog() end function deactivate() end function meta_changed() -- click_Filename_Forcer() collectgarbage() end function close() vlc.deactivate() end --------------------------- function Create_dialog() d = vlc.dialog(descriptor().title) d:add_button("Set title", click_Filename_Forcer, 1,1,1,1) end function click_Filename_Forcer() if vlc.input.item() then curi=vlc.input.item():uri() if curi and string.sub(curi,1,8)=="file:///" then filename=vlc.strings.decode_uri(string.gsub(tostring(curi), "^.*/(.-)$","%1")) vlc.input.item():set_meta("title", filename) end end end

Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 15 Apr 2020 16:38
by ogilvierothchild
Since the previous post wasn't working, despite most of the needed code being present, I've updated it to function properly. Tested on VLC 3.0.8 on Linux.

For context, this is a VLC extension that forces the 'title' field in the VLC Playlist and Media Library to be the filename of the media file, instead of being whatever is parsed out of the media fie metadata. This is written for local files and SMB files, though it's easy to update for other protocols also.

Paste the code below into a file called "filename_forcer_extn.lua" and move it to the VLC lua extensions folder; details in the 2-step procedure given in the comments at the top of the file.

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-- File: "filename_forcer_extn.lua" -- -- VLC Extension -- --[[ STEP 1/2: Copy this script file into VLC lua extensions folder. VLC folder path: Windows: *C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions* macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/ Linux user path: /home/$USER/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions Linux system path: /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions On Linux, do mkdir -p ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions and copy this file there, or to /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions See also: STEP 2/2: Restart VLC Activate the extension in VLC menu "View > Filename Forcer" or "VLC > Extensions > Filename Forcer" on Mac OS X. If you dont see it, run vlc --verbose=2 to verify the extension is being loaded -- Modified from Filename_Forcer.lua by user mederi See: Tested on VLC 3.0.8 Changes: - removed useless dialog - removed recursive meta updates - added shortdesc so it shows in view menu - added support for smb:// - removed test for leading '/' in file uri's - re-enabled call to update function ]]-- -- levels : 0:no msgs, 1:on change, 2:debug local verbosity = 1 function descriptor() return { title = "Filename Forcer", version = "1.0", author = "maali", shortdesc = "Filename Forcer", capabilities = {"meta-listener", "input-listener"} -- capabilities = {} } end function activate() debug("activate") end function deactivate() debug("deactivate") end function input_changed() debug("input_changed") end function meta_changed() debug("meta_changed") filename_forcer() collectgarbage() end function close() debug("close") vlc.deactivate() end --------------------------- function filename_forcer() debug("checking") if vlc.input.item() then local curi = vlc.input.item():uri() debug("uri = '" .. curi .. "'") if curi and (string.sub(curi,1,7)=="file://" or string.sub(curi,1,6)=="smb://") then local filename = vlc.strings.decode_uri(string.gsub(tostring(curi), "^.*/(.-)$","%1")) debug("filename = '" .. filename .. "'") local s = vlc.input.item():metas()["title"] local original = s and s or "" debug("original = '" .. original .. "'") if original~=filename then vlc.input.item():set_meta("title", filename) report("*** update: set title to filename ***") end end end end --------------------------- function report(s) if verbosity > 0 then"filename_forcer: " .. s) end end function debug(s) if verbosity > 1 then"filename_forcer: " .. s) end end

Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 08 Jul 2020 14:31
by jsn
Hi !

Thanks for your work here ! :D

I modified your code to fit my use, so I also added a feature to extract the files extensions from the files titles in the "genre" or "rating" column and extracted files titles in the "comment" column.

In the first code the files extensions are in the column "genre/style" and you can sort it alphabetically :

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-- File: "filename_forcer_extn.lua" -- -- VLC Extension -- --[[ STEP 1/2: Copy this script file into VLC lua extensions folder. VLC folder path: Windows: *C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions* macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/ Linux user path: /home/$USER/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions Linux system path: /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions On Linux, do mkdir -p ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions and copy this file there, or to /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions See also: STEP 2/2: Restart VLC Activate the extension in VLC menu "View > Filename Forcer" or "VLC > Extensions > Filename Forcer" on Mac OS X. If you dont see it, run vlc --verbose=2 to verify the extension is being loaded -- Modified from Filename_Forcer.lua by user mederi See: Tested on VLC 3.0.8 Changes: - removed useless dialog - removed recursive meta updates - added shortdesc so it shows in view menu - added support for smb:// - removed test for leading '/' in file uri's - re-enabled call to update function ]]-- -- levels : 0:no msgs, 1:on change, 2:debug local verbosity = 1 function descriptor() return { file = "Filename Forcer", version = "1.0", author = "maali", shortdesc = "Filename Forcer", capabilities = {"meta-listener", "input-listener"} -- capabilities = {} } end function activate() debug("activate") end function deactivate() debug("deactivate") end function input_changed() debug("input_changed") end function meta_changed() debug("meta_changed") filename_forcer() collectgarbage() end function close() debug("close") vlc.deactivate() end --------------------------- function filename_forcer() debug("checking") if vlc.input.item() then local curi = vlc.input.item():uri() debug("uri = '" .. curi .. "'") if curi and (string.sub(curi,1,7)=="file://" or string.sub(curi,1,6)=="smb://") then local filename = vlc.strings.decode_uri(string.gsub(tostring(curi), "^.*/(.-)$","%1")) debug("filename = '" .. filename .. "'") local s = vlc.input.item():metas()["description"] local original = s and s or "" debug("original = '" .. original .. "'") if original~=filename then vlc.input.item():set_meta("description", filename) report("*** update: set description to filename ***") end local filename = string.sub(filename,-4) local filename = string.gsub(filename, "%W","") debug("filename = '" .. filename .. "'") local s = vlc.input.item():metas()["genre"] local original = s and s or "" debug("original = '" .. original .. "'") if original~=filename then vlc.input.item():set_meta("genre", filename) report("*** update: set genre to file extension ***") end end end end --------------------------- function report(s) if verbosity > 0 then"filename_forcer: " .. s) end end function debug(s) if verbosity > 1 then"filename_forcer: " .. s) end end

Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 08 Jul 2020 14:31
by jsn
In the second code the files extensions are in the column "rating" and you can't sort it alphabetically !

Code: Select all

-- File: "filename_forcer_extn.lua" -- -- VLC Extension -- --[[ STEP 1/2: Copy this script file into VLC lua extensions folder. VLC folder path: Windows: *C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions* macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/ Linux user path: /home/$USER/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions Linux system path: /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions On Linux, do mkdir -p ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions and copy this file there, or to /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions See also: STEP 2/2: Restart VLC Activate the extension in VLC menu "View > Filename Forcer" or "VLC > Extensions > Filename Forcer" on Mac OS X. If you dont see it, run vlc --verbose=2 to verify the extension is being loaded -- Modified from Filename_Forcer.lua by user mederi See: Tested on VLC 3.0.8 Changes: - removed useless dialog - removed recursive meta updates - added shortdesc so it shows in view menu - added support for smb:// - removed test for leading '/' in file uri's - re-enabled call to update function ]]-- -- levels : 0:no msgs, 1:on change, 2:debug local verbosity = 1 function descriptor() return { file = "Filename Forcer", version = "1.0", author = "maali", shortdesc = "Filename Forcer", capabilities = {"meta-listener", "input-listener"} -- capabilities = {} } end function activate() debug("activate") end function deactivate() debug("deactivate") end function input_changed() debug("input_changed") end function meta_changed() debug("meta_changed") filename_forcer() collectgarbage() end function close() debug("close") vlc.deactivate() end --------------------------- function filename_forcer() debug("checking") if vlc.input.item() then local curi = vlc.input.item():uri() debug("uri = '" .. curi .. "'") if curi and (string.sub(curi,1,7)=="file://" or string.sub(curi,1,6)=="smb://") then local filename = vlc.strings.decode_uri(string.gsub(tostring(curi), "^.*/(.-)$","%1")) debug("filename = '" .. filename .. "'") local s = vlc.input.item():metas()["description"] local original = s and s or "" debug("original = '" .. original .. "'") if original~=filename then vlc.input.item():set_meta("description", filename) report("*** update: set description to filename ***") end local filename = string.sub(filename,-4) local filename = string.gsub(filename, "%W","" ) debug("filename = '" .. filename .. "'") local s = vlc.input.item():metas()["rating"] local original = s and s or "" debug("original = '" .. original .. "'") if original~=filename then vlc.input.item():set_meta("rating", filename) report("*** update: set rating to file extension ***") end end end end --------------------------- function report(s) if verbosity > 0 then"filename_forcer: " .. s) end end function debug(s) if verbosity > 1 then"filename_forcer: " .. s) end end

Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 01 Nov 2020 20:01
by MickeyKnox
I've copied the script from ogilvierothchild to Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/filename_forcer_extn.lua

After that I've clicked on VLC > Extensions > Filename Forcer

... and nothing happens. Absolutely nothing. Nothing changes.

I'm on MacOS Mojave and am running vlc

Some output from vlc --verbose=2:

[00007ff708e8b770] lua generic debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Users/ingmar/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions
[00007ff708e8b770] lua generic debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Users/ingmar/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/filename_forcer_extn.lua
[00007ff708e8b770] lua generic debug: Scanning Lua script /Users/ingmar/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/filename_forcer_extn.lua
[00007ff708e8b770] lua generic debug: Script /Users/ingmar/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/filename_forcer_extn.lua has the following capability flags: 0xc

Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 02 Nov 2020 11:07
by ogilvierothchild
Unfortunately my only Mac is in my office, which has been closed for months. Could you retry with VLC 3.0.8 ? Also, change the line

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local verbosity = 1
to say

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local verbosity = 2
then paste in the log here. If the menu item showed up, at least we know it found the script.


Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 02 Nov 2020 23:04
by MickeyKnox
Ok, I've changed local verbosity to 2 and ran vlc with --verbose=2. This is the output:

Well, not all of it, there was an error on the forum:
Your message contains 72480 characters.
The maximum number of allowed characters is 5998.
This is the output after clicking VLC > Extensions > Filename Forcer:

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[00007fab2bca8400] macosx interface debug: activating or triggering extension 'Filename Forcer', id 0 [00007fab2bf18db0] lua generic debug: Activating extension 'Filename Forcer' [00007fab2bf18db0] lua generic: filename_forcer: activate

Re: [Interface] Filename Forcer

Posted: 08 Nov 2020 17:41
by ogilvierothchild
You could use a pastebin and link to the log. There isn't enough there to determine anything.

I will retry next week when I get access to my Mac, but we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback!

Re: [Interface/Extension] Filename Forcer

Posted: 06 May 2021 04:45
by ogilvierothchild
I have tested the script I posted in VLC version on all supported platforms.

Once the script is installed, it appears in the menu and must be manually activated on each VLC launch.

Please post the full log using pastebin and copy a link here if you're still having problems.