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Skip to next file after 10 seconds

Posted: 10 Aug 2015 21:12
So I have a playlist of many network video streams that are continuous. Originally, if it's a video/audio file that has an end, VLC will go to the next file automatically.

In my case, it won't go to the next one because it has no end. So I was wondering if there's a way to make VLC loop through the playlist with skipping to next stream after 10 seconds automatically?

I am not good with scripting, but if anyone has helpful suggestions, that would be awesome!

Thank you,

Re: Skip to next file after 10 seconds

Posted: 11 Aug 2015 18:17
by mederi
You could use advanced VLC option "run-time=10" with particular playlist items. You can edit the saved playlist file in some advanced text editor to add the mentioned VLC option to many playlist items (to find and replace text by using regular expressions?).
There is VLC Extension Sampler (PG) that actually skips items without available duration when reading the playlist. Perhaps it can be modified to add the "run-time=10" option for items without duration instead of skipping them.
I do not think there is a better solution for now.