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[Extension] Metadata over video

Posted: 19 Mar 2015 21:17
by mederi
The idea: ... 97#p420092

Code: Select all

function descriptor() return { title = "Metadata over video", capabilities = {"meta-listener"} } end function activate() end function deactivate() end function meta_changed() local vout=vlc.object.vout() if vout then local filename = vlc.strings.decode_uri(string.gsub(tostring(vlc.input.item():uri()), "^.*/(.-)$","%1")) local metas=tostring(vlc.input.item():metas().title).."\n".. tostring(vlc.input.item():metas().artist).."\n".. tostring(vlc.input.item():metas().album).."\n".. filename vlc.osd.message(metas,channel1,"top-left",10*1000000) -- metadata over video for 10 seconds end end

Re: [Extension] Metadata over video

Posted: 30 Jan 2020 23:31
by eng16
How do I get it not to display file name? It works otherwise. I tried removing code and it breaks it. I just want meta tags I choose not file name. Thanks.

Re: [Extension] Metadata over video

Posted: 31 Jan 2020 13:04
by mederi
You can define an empty filename string: local filename = ""
Or you can remove filename from the metas output string: delete filename line and also remove appended line breaker .."\n".. in previous line.

This is really a job for Marquee filter as there is already available Timeout option there.

Re: [Extension] Metadata over video

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 21:00
by mathiada
how do I get the information to be shown throughout the video? Thanks.

Re: [Extension] Metadata over video

Posted: 10 Sep 2020 19:33
by mederi
You can increase the 10 seconds osd duration value: 10*1000000