script that plays movie until position x then pauses

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New Cone
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script that plays movie until position x then pauses

Postby joacableman » 25 Apr 2014 18:42

for an art installation i use several networked instances of vlc to play movies. I need a way to tell the vlc to play until a specific position and then go to pause or stop. This has to be very precise. Is there an elegant way to do that via lua or rc?

many thanks,

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: script that plays movie until position x then pauses

Postby Etoh » 26 Apr 2014 01:39

I've not done this before, but you could try the following three methods:

Method #1: Use the run-time property, either through a switch or playlist.

Method #2: Create a LUA script and use the vlc.var.get(input, "time") and vlc.playlist.pause() functions. If you want to use a callback or vlc.misc.mwait then you either need to use an older version of VLC (2.0.x) or do it via an interface script rather than an extension.

Method #3: Check out the Trimmer extension and see if it can do what you want.

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