Looking for examples of playlists scripted in LUA

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Looking for examples of playlists scripted in LUA

Postby darius2000 » 02 Apr 2014 15:10


I am looking for examples of playlists scripted in LUA.
I have installed VLC plugin for Mozilla ( Windows XP), coming with a number of features / clickable buttons,
installed vlcplaylist add-on by Helga Tauscher (didn't work for me)

But what I really need is Javascript/ LUA web-based interface to let me select wav files from a directory
and generate playlist file, to be saved and have the script ( Command Line Interface run script)
to play wav files at a specific time, date and VLC to pause at a specific time, date
( to have VLC to play (broadcast) pregenerated audio stream at a specified time, date).

And all of the above done in off-line mode ( wav files are stored in local directory on PC, Windows XP)

Please let me know your opinion hwo to start since I plan to generate a number of such playlists from time to time,
and have audio stream broadcasted at a given time, date.



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