Can playback be paused when voice chat occurs?
Posted: 13 Mar 2014 19:50
by utahraptor
This is kind of an odd request, but I like to watch videos while playing online games with people. I really would like it if the player would pause if a buddy starts talking and then resume when they shut up. Any idea if this can be done? I am thinking somehow it would trigger when the chat program outputs sound and also when I hold down my push to talk key.
Re: Can playback be paused when voice chat occurs?
Posted: 14 Mar 2014 16:34
by mederi
I do not think so.
Re: Can playback be paused when voice chat occurs?
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 19:13
by Etoh
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Maybe, if you are a good computer programmer and use the right VoIP software.
It could potentially be done if the voice chat programme were modified to connect to a VLC interface and pause/resume when someone was speaking, but that would likely require manually modifying an open source VoIP client (e.g. Mumble), or creating a plugin-in for it, so would not be an easy task. Alternatively, you could code something which monitors the volume and could do it more generically, but that might be even harder and would certainly be more OS-specific.