I can load LUA scripts but I can't use all of it

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I can load LUA scripts but I can't use all of it

Postby vlcusr00 » 14 Dec 2013 08:30

Hello for Anyone!

I'm beginner user of VLC so my deapiest aplogize if I ask on too simple question. I'm looking in FAQ and web and I don't find resolution of my trouble.

What I do?

I instaled LUA scripts:

Code: Select all

Add Similar With Short Click Screen to Play/Pause Remember position Time
I do that in that way:
1. Copy code from browser to notepad
2. I saved files with lua extension (.lua)
3. I put file in "VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions" directory

How It works now?

When I run VLC in View menu I see all of this instaled scripts. On the page fx. Time extension http://addons.videolan.org/content/show ... ent=149618 I found:
Then you simply use the extension by going to the "View" menu and selecting it there.
OK, but I can't select any instaled script.

Add Similar With Short - working without troubles.
Click Screen to Play/Pause - I can't activated - not working
Remember position - I can't activated - not working
Time - I can't activated - not working.

By "activated" I mean "check in menu" so:
Click Screen to Play/Pause - I can't play/pause video by clicking, Remember position - when I opened the same files it's starts from begining and Time - I don't see time.


I use VLC 2.1.2 Rincewind on Win XP Pro SP3 on clean OS instalation.

At the end

I think it probably a very simple question for you but in my very humble opinion answer on it help others begginers users like me. Thank you very much for answer and your time.

Have a nice day!

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: 2.0.8
Operating System: Windows Vista/XP

Re: I can load LUA scripts but I can't use all of it

Postby mederi » 14 Dec 2013 14:38

The Extensions do not work with latest VLC releases.
They work with VLC-2.0.x: http://download.videolan.org/vlc/

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Re: I can load LUA scripts but I can't use all of it

Postby aitte » 29 Jan 2014 13:28

The Extensions do not work with latest VLC releases.
They work with VLC-2.0.x:
I think this information should be pinned at the top of the forum or displayed somewhere very prominent. I discovered addons last night and spent a while getting addon titles to be listed but having none of them work.
Then I read this thread, went to the download link to get version 2.0.9, but whatever format it is (probably linux), no Windows version could be found.
So, then I managed to find the one place on the internet that seems to archive older windows versions of VLC:

Old Version of VLC Player 2.0.8 x32

They also have an x64 version of it, but they don't have 2.0.9 versions. After installing and running, all the scripts worked perfectly.
I don't know the reasons behind the decision making that went on and having not seen a replacement for the lua addons system for the newer vlc versions, it seems like a waste of a lot of useful stuff.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 1951
Joined: 15 Mar 2011 16:38
VLC version: 2.0.8
Operating System: Windows Vista/XP

Re: I can load LUA scripts but I can't use all of it

Postby mederi » 29 Jan 2014 14:10

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