I am new to VLC and need some assistance with this project if it is possible.
I want program a script that displays list (schedule) of media that will be played off my Playlist. The Schedule should display upcoming media and the time it will be shown. I was thinking of displaying the time the media will be shown in real-time. For example, an algorithm that that will retrieve the real-time off the computer, add the running-time of the media, and display when the media will end.
I want the schedule to be displayed at the beginning and the last minute of any media for 10 secs while the media is still playing. Have to figure out a way to shift the media frame to left to make room for the schedule GUI.
If a media stops playing due to an error. VLC should automatically skip the defected file and play the next functional file.
I have some media that are recorded at low volumes (sound is difficult to hear). Is there a way to script for VLC to automatically adjust sound level for media recorded at low volumes?