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Change playlist Item with "Single-click"

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 18:16
by massi100blu
Hi everybody, i wish someone can help me for the seguent setting. I created my customized skin with vlc skin editor, to make a "tv player", with a streaming flow coded in a playlist file. When i execute vlc, it starts with the playlist on the right showing the channels list. To change the channel i have to double-click on the channel in playlist, or click the "next" botton to show the next channel ( in the same mode with the "previous" button) . I ask if there is a setting to change the channel with a single click on the playlist, because this skin is customized for a touchscreen pc, and so with the double click is difficoult for user to change the channels.
Thank's a lot!!!

Re: Change playlist Item with "Single-click"

Posted: 09 Oct 2012 21:39
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Not sure you can, without modifying the code...

Re: Change playlist Item with "Single-click"

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 10:07
by massi100blu
modify vlc code? ok, i believed that exists the way to do this applying modify by software. Any other idea to make the playlist usable for a touch screen? as a button that play the current selectioned item in the playlist?( In this case i have to disable the "selection color" of an item in playlist, and still i have to understand how can i do it)