Wondering if such a thing exists...

Discuss your Lua playlist, album art and interface scripts.
New Cone
New Cone
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Wondering if such a thing exists...

Postby nomdusager » 08 Jan 2017 03:50

I searched and searched and couldn't come up with something similar. Is it possible to assign to each song (let's say in shuffle mode) more than one track that can play afterwards? Like a shuffle mode...but with a given range of possibilities (pre-decided)...just thinking aloud here. Maybe even create cues for each, so that, for example, if the beginning of a song is not suitable to follow immediately after the previous ending, you can pre-edit it. You would end up with a playlist with a certain range of indetermination but different from a shuffle, and the criteria wouldn't be that of 'most heard', or 'similar in style'...you pick it.
I hope I made myself understood... :?

Happy new year everyone!

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Wondering if such a thing exists...

Postby qazwiz » 16 Jun 2017 05:21

I am pretty sure i understand what you want but doubt it can be implemented.
if "happy birthday" is playing you don't want next song to be "the death march". but like a game of "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" you want the dirge to still be able to play later

it's easy to use genres or tempo to make a sub-list to play (or inversed, NOT play) but hard to then ask to select something no longer in the "new" play list.
very likely this could be implemented by using vlc as the plugin to a database that plays a song and then chooses a new song to play... the database would black list certain songs (or white-list ) according to fields in database of the current song's record but i doubt anyone has implemented such a player

i hope my musings inspire someone to help you achieve your goal... but please, don't hold your breath.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Wondering if such a thing exists...

Postby Etoh » 18 Jun 2017 11:11

I am not aware of such a thing existing, and doubt it will exist unless you learn to code it yourself or are willing to pay for it. It is possible through coding to have more complex playlist generation or shuffling, but it would probably need to be a lot more complex in terms of song selection to be worthwhile and that in turn would increase the complexity and development time required. Any form of 'pre-editing' songs would probably be a pain, though - VLC is not intended to be DJ software.

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