TV mode? (commercials/psa's/episodes)

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TV mode? (commercials/psa's/episodes)

Postby stayDOOGAN » 28 Feb 2017 00:06

New to the forum, Not entirely sure what I'm looking for so it was difficult to search the forum to see if this has already been accomplished, I appreciate the patience.

I'm looking to run a dedicated "TV" system in a sort of dedicated 80's themed arcade room.
I've acquired multiple 1980's PSA's, Commercials, Television Shows, Movies, Music Videos, etc over the course of some time, and I'm looking to see if I could locate or be assisted with the build of a program that would use the individual folders to create a TV-like experience, that would play in the background while the gaming activities take place.

What I'm picturing is a program that would start off with a PSA/Commercial from a folder with only those in it, then play an episode of a TV show, if possible pausing every 10 minutes to play another PSA/Commercial, then resuming this cycle with the PSA/Commercials being randomized, but the episodes being linear for that folder.

A second program that I would like would be one for a dedicated Music Video System, the only difference being it would play 2 or 3 music videos from a dedicated folder, then play a PSA/Commercial from their own dedicated folder, and resume, without the "commercial-like" interruptions during playback.

Essentially I'm looking to artificially recreate that 1980's television experience.
Thank you for your time!

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 1951
Joined: 15 Mar 2011 16:38
VLC version: 2.0.8
Operating System: Windows Vista/XP

Re: TV mode? (commercials/psa's/episodes)

Postby mederi » 04 Mar 2017 13:42

Check following Extensions:
Sampler (PG)
Mix playlists
Interface: Scheduler
Perhaps they can inspire you to make what you need.

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