Listens to many web radio stations while working and once in a while there is some great music and I would like to do a snapshot of current "Now playing" to a logfile by pressing a hotkey. How to manage this?
(Not a big skilled programmer, just basic knowledge.)
Probably someone already has done this but despite my search I haven't found it.
Custom hotkeys are available in VLC-2.0.x (example script: eplased_time_to_file.lua), not in VLC-2.1+. You could write a VLC Lua Extension script containing a dialog box with a button and use some external helper like AutoHotkey.
Thank's alot for your answear mederi!
Ok, so best alternative is to install a previous version of VLC as I understand. (I'm now running 2.1)
Why disable custom hotkeys in 2.1+? Security reasons?
Writing a Lua Ex. + using AutoHotkey seems a long way around though, but will try it out.
No known stream-player with this option already at hand otherwise? (Would still keep VLC as my primary player, it rocks! )
VLC-2.0.x with hotkeys.lua interface script with your custom hotkey and appropriate function would suit your request best. Otherwise go for suggested solution/workaround for VLC-2.1+