[LUA] TuneIn Radio SD Script version 0.3

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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[LUA] TuneIn Radio SD Script version 0.3

Postby diegofn » 03 Sep 2012 19:42

Hi to all,

I want to share the new version of TuneIn Radio Service Discovery (0.3) for VLC with the following improvements:

Version 0.3
[*]Bug fixed about TuneIn Password
[*]Added StreamTheWorld Support: With this playlist parser script, you can listen so many stations around the world for example Spain Group PRISA
[*]Added radiotime.com playlist support: This playlist provide you total navigation in podcast, sports, news, etc in the Service Discovery

You can download the files from: http://addons.videolan.org/content/show ... ent=152788

I hope your comments and improvements, I want to be accepted in VLC git tree some day ;)


Diego Fernando Nieto

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Re: [LUA] TuneIn Radio SD Script version 0.3

Postby Funthomas » 20 Oct 2012 12:35

Hola Diego

Nice work! I have however a problem using it.

On selecting Internet, TuneIn Radio is listed on the bottom right side.
On selecting TuneIn radio, the My Presets, Local radio, etc. list comes up correctly;
On selecting (double clicking) a folder such as My Presets, Local radio, etc. the selection keeps scrolling down without actually playing> I get the following log:

[038420a0] oldrc interface: VLC media player - 2.0.3 Twoflower
[038420a0] oldrc interface: Copyright © 1996-2012 VLC authors and VideoLAN
[038420a0] oldrc interface:
Warning: if you cannot access the GUI anymore, open a command-line window, go to
the directory where you installed VLC and run "vlc -I qt"

Remote control interface initialized. Type `help' for help.
[009e2c98] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to us
e vlc without interface.
[004f8580] lua services discovery error: Error loading script C:\Program Files (
x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\sd\tunein.luac: ...\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\s
d\tunein.luac:22: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value)
status change: ( audio volume: 198 )

When I click Stop (to stop the scrolling) this is added to the log:

[004d9838] access_http access error: cannot connect to opml.radiotime.com:80
[004d9838] access_mms access error: cannot connect to opml.radiotime.com:80

I'm running VLC on Win 7 Professional on a 3 months old Dell Latitude E6520 laptop

Any ideas what maybe the problem?

thanks - Funtie

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008 17:34

Re: [LUA] TuneIn Radio SD Script version 0.3

Postby diegofn » 26 Dec 2012 16:24

Hi Funtie,

Thanks for your interest, Already do you have the same error? can you make a ping to the opml.radiotime.com?


Diego Fernando Nieto

New Cone
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Install TuneIn Radio to VLC 1.1.7 on Puppy Linux Precise 5.4

Postby markov2013 » 25 Jan 2013 23:34

Subject: Install TuneIn Radio to VLC 1.1.7 on Puppy Linux Precise 5.4.3
Note 1: TuneIn website under Linux Browsers (Opera, Firefox, Seamonkey, etc) does not have sound, however, through VLC (versin 1 or version 2) tunein sounds perfectly if installed correctly.
Note 2: Packages are due courtesy to author "diegofn" at VideoLan forum "viewtopic.php?f=29&t=103587"
Note 3: Installation Confusion - The installation steps given by author "diegofn" most likely are for Linux VLC.2.xxx. However, VLC.2.xxx and VLC.1.xxx might have different directory tree structure once installed. That which TuneIn lua file should be copied to which VLC linux directory confuses people.
Noticing that after VLC.1.xxx is installed in Precise Puppy 5.4.3, there are two "vlc" directories. 1. "/usr/lib/vlc" and 2. "/usr/share/vlc" , and both directories have subdirectory "lua". All three tunein lua files SHOULD be copied to subdirectories "sd" and "playlist" of "/usr/lib/vlc/lua". DO NOT TOUCH "/usr/share/vlc" subdirectories.
1. Three "luc" files are needed; main file: "tunein.lua", playlist files: "radiotime.lua" and "streamtheworld.lua" .
2. Download tunein lua files from http://addons.videolan.org/content/show ... ent=152788. I downloaded the zipped file "TuneIn-Radio-VLC.zip" which includes all three files.
2.0. Edit "tunein.lua" file. In function main(), there are two lines :
local __username__ = "username"
local __password__ = "password"
Replace "username" and "password" by your own TuneIn username and password. Of course you need to go to "http://www.tunein.com" to register as a user in order to get your username and password. The username is most likely be one of your email address.
Save the "tunein.lua" file.
3. Copy "tunein.lua" to "/usr/lib/vlc/lua/sd" directory (the "sd" directory is already existed).
4. Copy "radiotime.lua" and "streamtheworld.lua" to "/usr/lib/vlc/lua/playlist" directory (the "playlist" directory is already existed).
5. DO NOT TOUCH directory "/usr/lib/vlc/lua/extensions", DO NOT CHANGE these three file's extension from "lua" to "luac". In general I guess, "xxx.lua" script files are accepted fine the same way as "xxx.luac" compiled files do under vlc.
6. Run VLC from "Menu" > "Multimedia" > "VLC Video Player" .
7. Choose vlc main menu "View" > "Playlist". A page show up, on the left pane there is an item "Internet", click the arrow precede it, a pull-down menu show up; you will see an item "TuneIn Radio".
8. Click on "TuneIn Radio", and wait a moment; the right pane "playlist" will list many category directories: "My preset", "Local Radio", "Trending", "Music", "News", "Talk", "Sports", "By Location", "By Language", and "Potcast".
9. Try out one radio site in the list to see if it works.
10. Notice that when a clickable line of a particular radio site show up in the playlist pane, the line contains "mms://..." mms url of that radio station. Alternatively you can copy url "mms://..." and paste it to "Media" > "Open Internet Streaming" page "URL" placeholder to listen to the radio.
11. Using (10) streaming method, you can try out radio-audio "mms://bcr.media.hinet.net/RA000014", Classic Music.
12. Using (10) streaming method, you can try out vedio "http://zb.v.qq.com:1863/?progid=1039787969", Beijing TV realtime in video.

Final Reminder:
1. The vlc version I used is "vlc-1.1.7-full-lucid52.pet", because it is free of dependencies. Other version, such as "vlc-1.1.10-i686-lucid525.pet" I tried, cause me some dependencies, and was not work at all.
2. Download it from http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/pe ... ges-lucid/ .
3. Downlad precise-5.4.3.iso from "http://distro.ibiblio.org/quirky/precis ... -5.4.3.iso"

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