Why did you delete my account?

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Why did you delete my account?

Postby mark_ » 16 Aug 2012 10:20

Hi, I posted questions about Lua programming to improve my VLC extension and shortly after that, post and account where gone. First I thought it was a software error, then I doubted my memory, but then I saw your posting
Posting about conversion software is now completly forbidden.
The only exceptions are open source software as FFmpeg, x264 or VLC.
Any post about that will be deleted, the account banned and the username deleted.
but in what way is an extension that deletes a file a non open source conversion software? Neither is my code closed source nor do I convert something or use external software (aside from one standard operating system program, but I wanted to remove this code with my questions).
In detail, my questions where if VLC could tell me somehow, for which platform it was compiled, if I could synchronize the Lua code with the playlist.stop() function because I need to wait until this function execution is completed and I asked why VLC tries to reload a file which has been deleted. I don't see why this could be against your rules.
Further, my posting was not impolite and the topic fits exactly into this subforum, I did not spam, did not use capitals or colored text and I did not use signatures at all. My questions were precise, in english, I searched the forum for answers first and of course read the sparse documentation while I wrote the code, so I did not violate your "Forum information and rules" posting either. Please enlighten me, what I did wrong.

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Re: Why did you delete my account?

Postby Lotesdelere » 16 Aug 2012 11:10

Might have been a mistake as we were under intense spammers attack yesterday morning, sorry about that. Go ahead and post again about your extension.

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