Random Video Parts Playlist

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Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby giosico » 28 Aug 2011 06:42

A friend would like to have a party where he can play portions of videos from a playlist in random configurable time blocks.

For instance start with the first video and play 5 minutes and then play 5 minutes of the next video and so on and then continue cycling through until all are played.

Can any one give any direction or tips on this as I am new to this and not sure how to get started or if there are any good starting points. I took a look at the documentation and I didn't see anything like this.

Any help is appreciated. Also I have yet to figure out how to actually run a lua script.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby ivoire » 30 Aug 2011 17:25

You can create an interface lua script that will change the file to play every 5 seconds. (it can be an interface script or just an extenssion that run when launched).
This is fairly easy to do using the playlist obejct.
You can have a look at playlist object methods called next(), random(), ...

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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby giosico » 30 Aug 2011 23:21

Thank you. An tips on how to actually call or run a script from inside VLC. It may be obvious to some but it just escapes me.

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby ivoire » 01 Sep 2011 11:00

First: have a look at this article about extenssions: http://jpeg.dinauz.org/blog/index.php?p ... ons-in-VLC
Then if you have some question: just ask :)

pebo mac
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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby pebo mac » 06 Jan 2012 02:21

Awesome thanks that extension works like a dream

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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby Blacksnake » 23 Jan 2012 20:08


I'm really interested in that very extension, but unfortunately the link that was given previously seems to be down (or at least leading to a site that does not exist anymore). Does anyone know where I can find it ?

Thank you very much for your help.

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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby Mmassier » 09 Oct 2015 18:14


I was searching the forum for something like this and this is the closest post I've seen that does what I would like to do, but it doesn't seem to have much of an answer (the link is down).

I'm trying to set up a halloween party play list that would play various movies, but start at different parts in the video and play for an interval (random or set, doesn't matter) of periods. Basically get 15 minutes of one movie, switch to a random other video somewhere at a random time stamp, and loop that over and over throughout the party.

I realize I could start learning lua, go through the documentation and probably spend the next three weeks trying to set this up and maybe actually do it, but i have no scripting knowledge, and for a one off party trick, just doesn't seem worth it. Hoping someone knows of an existing script that does this or part of this and I can try to noodle something together with minimal amount of time investment.

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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby mederi » 09 Oct 2015 19:17

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Re: Random Video Parts Playlist

Postby Mmassier » 10 Oct 2015 03:00

Oh wow, I didn't even know that site existed. Thank you so much it works perfectly for my needs!

edit; Hm, nope, can't seem to get that to work even with VLC 1.1. Just feeds the playlist with the same full sized clips

edit 2: Doh! This was user error all the way. I was adding the files to the playlist and just looking at the duration time stated in the playlist without actually just hitting play and seeing what happens. The duration in the playlist doesn't matter, it totally works if you just hit play.

Perfect and awesome, thank you again!

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