Is it possible to do this in Lua?

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Is it possible to do this in Lua?

Postby Shenpen » 09 Mar 2009 17:41


I'm thinking about writing a foreign language learning plugin. I'm learning German the following way: watching a DVD movie with German audio and English subtitles, rewinding every sentence 4-5 times until I grasp every word fully. I wonder whether I could write a routine that automatically rewinds to the beginning of the previous sentence and hook it to a key?

It'd be something like "A:= average loudness for the last 800 millisecs. Rewind until you find an at least 200 millisec long part where the total loudness is at least 80% lower than A". Of course the numbers will have to be tweaked.

1) Is it a feasible, a good idea?
2) Where can I pick up the total loudness (i.e. not the loudness setting but the actual volume)
3) Can I make it cache the last 60 secs so that I don't actually have to "rewind" the DVD, just do it all in memory?
4) Can scripts be hooked to hotkeys?
5) Full documentation on Lua scripting and some tutorials, where can I find them?


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Re: Is it possible to do this in Lua?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Mar 2009 08:29

It is a funny idea, but I don't think you can do that in LUA, because detection of previous sentence is tough.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Is it possible to do this in Lua?

Postby billblack60 » 26 Jul 2009 12:49

It'd be something like "A:= average loudness for the last 800 millisecs.
How will you determine average loudness? I think it will be difficult to write such routine.
This is my website, Bill

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Re: Is it possible to do this in Lua?

Postby david4utv » 11 Oct 2009 22:25

how can i use (activate) lua from a libvlc object (i am using c#)...

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