READ FIRST: Forum information and rules

Comments on released skins
Forum rules
One topic per skin released on . Topics about unreleased skins or skin usage should go in the parent forum category.
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READ FIRST: Forum information and rules

Postby videolan » 24 Jul 2007 15:09

Welcome to the "Released Skins" forum.

Forum description
Here you can comment skins released on . One topic only should be created for each skin.
If no topic exists for the skin you want to comment on, please create a new topic using the skin's name as title. You should also include the skin's screenshot from the VideoLAN website in the first post so everyone knows what skin this is about.

When posting in the forum, please make sure you follow the advice and forum rules as described below.

Posting advice
  1. Search the forum before asking your question. You'll see that in many cases someone else has already asked the same question and been given an answer.
  2. Provide detailed information about your problem or goal. Operating System version and VLC version. Consider reading the advisory on reporting issues.
  3. More documentation can be found here: Playback HOWTO, VideoLAN FAQ, Google and the VLC features list.
  4. The forum language is English. Posting in other languages is not forbidden, but be aware that the likelyhood of someone answering your posting is lower because only a few people will speak your language.
  5. Remember that a lot of people are asking questions, and only a very few people are answering them. They are not all knowing, they are not paid to do this and they are not your slaves to command. If a question remains unanswered then most likely no one knows the answer. If your question gets answered, you should consider trying to help someone else who is looking for an answer to his questions.
  6. The same goes for all the developers. If you want the right to demand certain things from the program, then go BUY a program and do not harass people who are writing software for free, or go and help the developers by writing the functionality yourself. Please read the definition of Free Software.
Forum rules
  1. Be polite when posting, and please refrain from using insults or other abusive language.
  2. Don't use ALL CAPITALS EVERYWHERE or very big text or a lot of color in your posting. This is considered to be highly annoying and will most likely result in no one answering you.
  3. SPAM or advertising on the forum is not allowed and will be removed. Announcements of new versions of software closely related to the area of video and streaming however are allowed.
  4. Large signatures, both in lines and download size, are annoying for many of our forum users on slower connections. Signatures may therefore be at most 7 lines (including pictures) and the pictures may be no larger than 20KB.
The moderators have the right to correct your posting (leaving evidence and reason of having done so) in case you do not abide to the rules described here. Repeated offenses or extreme behaviour might result in banning you from the forum.
The VideoLAN Team
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