MinimalX - 2.0

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 26 Jan 2013 19:19

MinimalX - 2.0

Postby Maverick07x » 05 Jun 2014 17:57

MinimalX 2.0
The skin is already one year old, and had lot of updates.
I just released the 2.0 version on deviantart.

Whats the difference to old skins / any other skins?
The old version had a sidebar - like the metroX skin - but now the skin is using popup / windows menus.
Well ive used it once before for the volumebar - but the main challange was to bring the windows to the right position - before, the volumebar(window) was always in the top left corner, and you had to drag it manualy to the right place. After that, the anchors snaped in, and moved automaticaly with the main frame. Still not very attractive.

I had to calculate where the popup windows will appear (x / y position), defined the anchors and it worked quite nice.
Still there was one problem - because the anchors will only work after the first input - means if you start the skin for the first time, and you use the resize corner, the anchors will not work and the other windows will not be moved!
So i had to be creative - made a screenshot of the skin - defined it as a top layer button - after you are clicking into the skin the dummy / image will disappear, and the anchors will work. And the user doesnt notice it at all :)

I tried every scenario, and the anchors still fit together - hope that there is no way to drift them apart.

Image ... -385698882

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