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Deinterlacing mosaic input

Posted: 28 Mar 2012 14:44
by brunyalo
I am playing with Mosaic module. I have two inputs, one of them needs deinterlacing the other not. I use this VLM config file:

new channel1 broadcast
setup channel1 input file:///home/xyz/
setup channel1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=1,width=640,height=512,vfilter=deinterlace},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio}
setup channel1 enabled
It gives the following:

[0x2264138] main stream out error: Failed to create video filter2 'deinterlace'
[0x2264138] main stream out error: Failed while trying to append 'deinterlace' to filter chain
Anyway, this filter is applied after resize operation. Anyone knows how to deinterlace an input before any transform action is taken? Thanks.

Re: Deinterlacing mosaic input

Posted: 28 Mar 2012 14:58
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Look at the logs before, it will tell you why.