Deinterlacing mosaic input
Posted: 28 Mar 2012 14:44
I am playing with Mosaic module. I have two inputs, one of them needs deinterlacing the other not. I use this VLM config file:
It gives the following:
new channel1 broadcast
setup channel1 input file:///home/xyz/
setup channel1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=1,width=640,height=512,vfilter=deinterlace},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=1},select=audio}
setup channel1 enabled
Anyway, this filter is applied after resize operation. Anyone knows how to deinterlace an input before any transform action is taken? Thanks.
[0x2264138] main stream out error: Failed to create video filter2 'deinterlace'
[0x2264138] main stream out error: Failed while trying to append 'deinterlace' to filter chain