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NPAPI plugin
Posted: 17 Mar 2012 20:08
by ltwally
For the NPAPI plugin to work, does it require the full install of VLC, or is it possible to simply copy some libraries into my browser's plugin folder? If so, which libraries (npvlc, libvlc, libvlccore, etc)??
Re: NPAPI plugin
Posted: 18 Mar 2012 23:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Depending on the platform, it should be doable, especially for win32
Re: NPAPI plugin
Posted: 20 Mar 2012 17:38
by ltwally
I've tried simply copying things into firefox & chrome's plugins folders with no luck, so at this point what I'm looking for a confirmed "yes" or "no". And, if yes, I would like a list of the libraries (and any other files) that need to be placed in the browser's plugin folder.
Re: NPAPI plugin
Posted: 20 Mar 2012 23:52
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No, you should use the .xpi