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No url history in Open Network Stream...

Posted: 11 Mar 2012 17:23
by clemenzina
VLC 2.0

Up until now, when I open VLC and need to select which nest (mms stream) I want to watch/record, there's always been a list of previously watched sites in the Open Network Stream drop-down, but now it's always empty. How do I reinstate VLC's "memory"? It's such a nuisance having to insert the required mms address manually every time.

Apologies for not finding out for myself, I've trawled thru VLC's settings but it's terribly complicated and most of it I don't have the foggiest idea what it means. Oh for a slimmed-down version of VLC that just does what I want and doesn't blind me with techie science, but I know that VLC is a treasure-trove of capabilities, it's me wot's ignorant ;)

Re: No url history in Open Network Stream...

Posted: 12 Mar 2012 09:39
by Lotesdelere
Menu Tools -> Preferences (Show settings = Simple) -> Interface
then on the right panel: Save recently played items
Menu Tools -> Preferences (Show settings = All) -> Interface -> Main interfaces -> QT
then on the right panel: Save the recently played items in the menu

Then save the preferences, exit and restart VLC.

Re: No url history in Open Network Stream...

Posted: 18 Mar 2012 01:11
by clemenzina
Thank you, Lotesdelere - it was already ticked :-/ I was having to re-tick "video = always on top" as well, but now that's working. It's as if a bug-fairy visited and put me right.

Sorry I'm late thanking you, I really appreciate you taking the trouble. I think I need to investigate email notifications of replies ;-)