VLC Converting Question

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VLC Converting Question

Postby aralin26 » 17 Feb 2012 01:48

Trying to convert a .mkv file using VLC player and everyone says it's so simple.
Just open VLC, go to the 'Media' menu and click on the 'Save/Convert' option.
Thing is, my VLC player doesn't have a 'Media' menu. Only 'File' 'Edit' 'Playback' 'Audio' etc etc.
I checked that I was upgraded to the latest version of VLC player, which I am.
So what's going on?
Do only older versions of VLC player possess the capability to convert?
Or, do only VLC players for Windows possess the ability to convert and not Mac versions?
Someone mentioned something about deleting the VLC preferences in a folder somewhere. Is that it?

@_@ I am so confused and frustrated.
Please help!

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