Possible to remove playlist item in RC mode?

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Possible to remove playlist item in RC mode?

Postby -pekr- » 04 Feb 2012 19:23


although I use VLC for quite some time, this time I need to aproach it from the different angle. We are setting up a LED screen, and our clients requires one special feature - dynamically change playlist. I mean - if e.g. our local ice hockey team scores a goal, such info should go right after the content being played :-)

I looked into mplayer, vlcplayer, ffplay, and I found out, that those are all usable from command line, and/or via some remote aproach, being it tcp, pipe, whatever. Sorry if you think it belongs to LUA scripting (which I might learn in the end), but I am used less known scripting environment - REBOL.

When I look into RC commands available, I can see commands like ADD, ENQUEUE, various navigations, but what I cant find is the ability to remove from playlist, although I can see API has such a function (I am not fluent C coder though). Problem with CLEAR is, that it shuts down even the item, which is just recently being played, and what I need is uninterrupted playback.

My idea was as follows:

- REBOL few lines of code, linking to TCP port
- forever looping
- checking is_playing
- checking on delta of get_time and get_length
- enqueueing new item, if the recent is about to end in few seconds

That way, I am able to insert new stuff dynamically, as I keep playlist in VLC having only a one item. The problem is - it keeps growing. Well, maybe it does not mind, and I can restart the player at night, when the screen is turned off.

But anyway - my question is - is there a way, of how to clear the playlist items, without the playback being interrupted? Would it be possible to add such a feature in future releases, exposing DELETE index to the RC interface? I would find it usefull :-)

Thanks, and sorry if such a question was answered already - I was looking over the net and found not relevant answer, why such a functionality is not supported.

Thanks a lot,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Possible to remove playlist item in RC mode?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 06 Feb 2012 17:55

If you delete the current item, it stops playing.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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