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how to switch default to NOT pause when minimized in v2.0

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 07:47
by duedilly
I installed the recent VLC 2.0 version and noticed a very annoying new default (for me, even though i suspect a lot of people probably like it) - is that VLC now pauses playback when minimized

Aside from questioning whether such a substantial change of behavior is optimum without some warning, I would just really love to know how to change this default back if possible - i searched in the advanced settings a good while and still can't seem to find it (but maybe it was right in front of me?)

Thanks for any help, and if not possible, i'll just switch back to the earlier version

Re: how to switch default to NOT pause when minimized in v2.

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 08:00
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
This new annoying feature is disabled by default. Make sure you have the latest preversion.

Re: how to switch default to NOT pause when minimized in v2.

Posted: 31 Jan 2012 16:50
by duedilly
thanks remi

i probably didn't have the most recent build, but the version of 2.0 i got a few days ago had "pause on minimize" turned on by default with no warning, and also no clear switch (that i could find) to toggle it off

so i just went back to 1.1.11 and am happy again for now :)