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VLC stops on every RTCP-BYE message

Posted: 07 Jun 2005 11:15
by Uwe

the scenario:
Start VLC on two (or more) different machines and connect them via SAP.

the problem:
If you stop one of the VLC players, all other players are stopping too!

the cause:
The VLC player transmit a RTCP-BYE if stopped. All other players receive that GoodBye but interpret it as a GoodBye from the Server.

the solution:
The VLC player should only react on RTCP sent from "his" server.


P.S.: I'm using VLC V.0.8.1 on Win2000

Posted: 07 Jun 2005 15:14
by The DJ
No it shouldn't. Actually all the other RTCP players have not correctly implemented the RTCP standard as far as i understand. However an option is rumored to be implemented in the final version of 0.8.2 that should handle this.