VLC can't play MP4 video which itself has converted into MP4

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 06 Mar 2011 16:11
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VLC can't play MP4 video which itself has converted into MP4

Postby Atalanttore » 07 Jan 2012 21:23


A MMS video stream downloaded with VLC 1.1.11 from [url=mms://ndr.wmod.llnwd.net/a3715/d1/msmedia/2011/1114/TV-20111114-1732-3901.wm.hq.wmv]here[/url] and converted to MP4 with VLC again, but VLC aborts playback after some seconds. Same behaviour on Windows and Linux.

Terminal output after starting playback until it aborts:

Code: Select all

Bits overconsumption: 524009 > 524000 at 57x27 Speicherzugriffsfehler


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