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Problem with Quicktime video and external audio track

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 10:35
by zolfo
Hi all,
I haven't found anything about this problem searching the forum but I might be wrong, so I ask you pardon already :)
I received a .mov video with an external audio track in aiff, Quicktime plays it fine 'cause it looks for the audio track
(written somewhere in the video file?) in the video directory, but in vlc I hear nothing but static sound (like a broken radio);
To make it work I have to play the audio track as a parallel stream, but I was wondering if there's a way to make vlc look
for the correct audio file... I don't know if this is a bug or just a missing feature, I'd do it by myself but alas I'm no developer!

What I tested is if I open it with Quicktime it complains if the audio track is not in the same directory and asks me to select
one from somewhere, mplayer (from command line) looks for the original directory from where the video was created and
eventually fails to load it, but they both know from the video file that there's an external audio track to look for, vlc doesn't
say anything, it just play white noise.

For me this is a problem because the users in my company are not so expert and make them load the audio track by themselves could be as hard as to teach a bed to fly... we adopted vlc as the main video player because it rocks and
we support it, I really don't wanna change this! I'd be very glad if someone could help me with this.
