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DVD playback "skips" with certain DVD's

Posted: 09 Nov 2011 20:36
by rogerdpack
I noticed when playing Cars 2 DVD the other day, that the playback "skips" every so often.
Cars 2 uses the "99 title" thing (ARccOS) ? and the skips occur when it goes from one title to the next, I think.
Anyway so just giving you feedback--it jerks/skips a bit when the title jumps occur. I'd be happy to provide a demo DVD if anybody wants/needs it.

Re: DVD playback "skips" with certain DVD's

Posted: 19 Nov 2011 09:39
by rogerdpack
posted some more theories here:

Re: DVD playback "skips" with certain DVD's

Posted: 14 Nov 2013 19:52
by rogerdpack
continuing the thread there: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=95334