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How to play two videos, the latter in a loop?

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 10:00
by Lukas0907

in MPlayer i could do this:

Code: Select all

mplayer vid1.mp4 -loop 1 vid2.mp4 -loop 0
This plays the first video one time and the second video in an infinite loop. I experience random crashes with mplayer, however, and want to migrate to VLC.

How can I achieve the same effect in VLC? Starting another instance of VLC with vid2.mp4 after the first one exited is possible, the major drawback with this solution is that there is a black screen for a few seconds which is not ideal.

Re: How to play two videos, the latter in a loop?

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 10:43
by Lukas0907
OK I just found the solution.

Code: Select all

cvlc --fullscreen vid1.mp4 vid2.mp4 :input-repeat=-1
Works like a charm!