ASX Playlist Decoding Behavior Change between 1.03 and 1.10

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New Cone
New Cone
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ASX Playlist Decoding Behavior Change between 1.03 and 1.10

Postby VLC99!99 » 25 May 2011 07:01


The webpage contains a list of BBC radio programs that are available to listen on line. Each row describes one program and contains a link to a file that contains an ASX playlist that looks like this:
<ASX version="3.0"> <ABSTRACT></ABSTRACT> <TITLE>BBC</TITLE> <AUTHOR>BBC</AUTHOR> <COPYRIGHT>(c) British Broadcasting Corporation</COPYRIGHT> <MoreInfo href="" /> <Entry> <ref href="mms://" /><ref href="mms://" /> <MoreInfo href="" /> <Abstract>BBC </Abstract> </Entry></ASX>

The mms: address refers to a time slot, the contents of the address change every seven days, one week it may be a Doctor Who program, the next week it may be Arthur C. Clark.

Problem Description:

To replicate my problem, create a file that contains the ASX playlist shown above.

1. In VLC 1.0.3 (and prior versions), using the mac gui (I don't have a windows box to test with), open the ASX playlist file. The result will be a single listing in VLC for the second link .../wms2/...

2. In VLC 1.1.0 (and subsequent versions), using the mac gui (I don't have a windows box to test with), open the ASX playlist file. The result will be two listing in VLC for the first link .../wms/... and the second link .../wms2/...

I do not know why the file contains two different links. Either one seems to work, but the wms2 version seems to be more reliable. The wms version seems to terminate prior to completion frequently.

I don't know if 1. is a bug that has been fixed or 2. is a bug that popped up in 1.1.0.

I would love to see the old behavior restored. Any suggestions?

Al Deveron

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