When playing multi-part rar files…

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When playing multi-part rar files…

Postby heyworld » 06 May 2011 02:32

When playing multi-part rar files…

Is it possible for VLC to play as the files are incoming/downloading?
For example, I have queued 40 files of the split archive to download in sequential order and start playing the first in VLC then I want VLC to continue playing the contents of the archive as the downloads complete.
In stead what happens is VLC ends presumably where the last rar was downloaded when I initially opened it in VLC.
I have to reopen the rar file VLC to resume watching and seek to where I was last.

With the vlc-unrar plugin from http://www.shapeshifter.se/code/vlc-unrar/, this worked perfectly. But the last supported version is 0.9.8a and I assume is out of development.

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