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MediaPlayer Skin

Posted: 04 May 2005 16:49
by Asim
Hey folks... just created a MediaPlayer Skin (currently .10) --

it's far from complete... but i just needed some comments etc...

you can download the skin from:

Note Before Downloading: YOU NEED LATEST BETA VERSION of VLC... it WILL NOT function properly with v.81

hoping ipkiss sees this so he can "update" the playlist options by making the background colors optional...

hoping for some comments

- Asim

Posted: 04 May 2005 20:42
by ipkiss
Hmmm, very nice skin!
I'll try to find some time next week to make the background colors optional.
But beware, it will probably slow down resizing even more...

Posted: 04 May 2005 22:01
by Asim
btw... is there any possible way that some sort of "memory" could be added?

what i mean by this is... say you resize the skin... then VLC remembers this updated size when you re-open it...

Posted: 04 May 2005 22:19
by AsMaX
yes the window size could be saved in the preferences file, it should not be very difficult...
BTW I am working on an optimization of the image resizing, it will make resize much faster (it is nearly done ;)

Posted: 05 May 2005 03:49
by theFuzzyWarble
Nice skin @$im!
Very slick.


Posted: 05 May 2005 11:52
by Asim
thx for comments...

btw... one question for developers.. is there any way to add a gradient or something to signify that the "amount" as in... this much played... or this much volume... (like in WMP)...

Posted: 07 May 2005 06:20
by theFuzzyWarble
Not yet..

I've posed a similar question a few days back, for the skin i'm working on.

But ipkiss might be working on something to help us =)
i'll let him have the final word on that ehhe


Posted: 11 May 2005 01:42
by Asim
still waiting for some sort of info from the powers-that-be


Posted: 11 May 2005 03:13
by Guest
!!!!!!!!!!!!! great skin works better than media player 10 too

Posted: 11 May 2005 03:17
by Guest
does any one know how you would get a fullscreen gui or skin to work

Posted: 11 May 2005 21:15
by ipkiss
Just a quick update to say that i'm not working on the gradient thingy.
I will work one of these days on the transparent background for the playlist, but i haven't started yet...

Posted: 11 May 2005 21:30
by theFuzzyWarble
i assume that goes for that 'new type' of control you spoke of as well...
understood! =)

i'll leave that extra feature for version 2 on my skin then.

thanks for the update ipkiss!!

Posted: 14 May 2005 03:55
by Asim
thanks ipkiss for your reply...

but there seems to be an issue with Windows XP now,

In the latest test release (0.82-test1) some stuff appears to be "not functioning properly" in my theme...

one issue is that the Horizontal components resize, but the Vertical Components do not.

Other issue is that the Fonts are not displayed properly. (e.g. if you have a look at the "Now Playing List" part, it looks like some cheap GIF with transparency set as black...

any fixes?

- Asim

Posted: 14 May 2005 13:43
by ipkiss
The first issue is due to the new 'resize' attribute of the Image control (the default value is "mosaic", while previously it was implicitly "scale").
The documentation have been updated.

The second issue is due to a little bug recently added, it should be fixed in the next nightly build.

Posted: 14 May 2005 16:44
by ipkiss
I have added the Playlist.bgimage attribute (see documentation).
It is not a transparent background but a bitmap background (so you can remove in your skin the image which is behind the playlist, as it will not be seen anyway). The fgcolor and selcolor attributes are still taken into account.

Please report any problem with it.

Posted: 14 May 2005 20:50
by dionoea
that looks sooo nice (except that the border gradient in the playlist doesn't resize ... but that ought to be easy to fix).

don't you want to do a new one which could be used in VLC (as the default for example) and looks as good but isn't linked to another existing software like wmp or macosx (like the current default one) ?

Posted: 15 May 2005 01:09
by Asim

sure thing.... i'll make a new one for VLC (possibly new default?) which is totally "different" from all the current media players... but that'll not happen until end of june (got exams & all)

also ipkiss:

i'm getting this error (i've downloaded the latest beta)
xml error: XML parser error (line 211) : No declaration for attribute bgimage of element Playlist
- Asim

Posted: 15 May 2005 11:14
by ipkiss
Are you sure you installed the package correctly?
This error happens when the file 'skins/skin.dtd' does not contain the attribute, but i checked and it is present in the latest package...

Posted: 15 May 2005 11:46
by Asim
the vlc-last seemed to download an older version,

anyway... the playlist thing is working now :D

but one question... is there any way to add "padding" around the borders? allow some space between playlist items and the borders...

Posted: 15 May 2005 12:17
by ipkiss
You cannot add padding, but you can simply add Image controls around the Playlist one...

Posted: 17 May 2005 03:28
by Asim
the skin has been modified according to the new options available. it should now work perfectly with latest beta of vlc... (anything after the 0.82-test1 release)...

there are a few minor additions (scrollbar on playlist & repeat & shuffle buttons) waiting to be done... after which, it will be a full release ;)

- Asim

Posted: 02 Jun 2005 23:30
by songochain
I cant use this skin, it dont appear in options>change interface and i copy it to vlc/skins/ What's wrong?? I've the last version of vlc