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HTTP network stream problem.

Posted: 19 Mar 2011 22:27
by SnurrDass
I have a problem when i play a network movie form my media server at home.
i use a http file server and i can do a link paste i vlc.

i have problem whit lag, and from the monitor og the http-file server i can see that vlc is reading file and play. after the cache is full it stops reading file until the cache is emty and it starts reading again, and here is the lag. from the time vlc start buffering again and and it starts palying is aprox 4-5 sec.

is there some option that fix this?
if i set the cache bigger the lag is bigger. and otherway around if smaller.

problem is ping time not bandwhith..
some sugestion?


Re: HTTP network stream problem.

Posted: 20 Mar 2011 20:12
by SnurrDass
after more testing i come to this:
avi is streaming god, no lag even in 720p movies. divx, xvid, h264, working good.
mkv is the problem, on all codecs. and bit rate.

whats the different between avi and mkv in the way cache is used?
